12 HP Gresen Hydraulic Engine Poly Pump with 2" NPT Banjo 200PHYW
Drawings: Banjo 200PHYW Drawing, Weight (lbs.): 25, Material: Polypropylene, Operation Manual: Banjo 200PHYW Operation Manual, Engine: Gresen, Power Type: Hydraulic, Gasket Material: EPDM, Inlet: 2" NPT, Outlet: 2" NPT, Horsepower: 12, Maximum Flow Rate (GPM): 216, Related Parts: 200PHYW Banjo | 12 HP Gresen Hydraulic Engine Poly Pump - 2" NPT
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Large or Heavy Items:
Large or heavy items are shipped with a freight carrier.
During checkout, please provide a phone number as freight
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Please allow an additional 3-5 days for freight deliveries.
Delivery Time Frame:
Most items ship in 1 to 3 days. If you need a delivery estimate
for large or heavy items, feel free to contact us here
Drawings: Banjo 200PHYW Drawing, Weight (lbs.): 25, Material: Polypropylene, Operation Manual: Banjo 200PHYW Operation Manual, Engine: Gresen, Power Type: Hydraulic, Gasket Material: EPDM, Inlet: 2" NPT, Outlet: 2" NPT, Horsepower: 12, Maximum Flow Rate (GPM): 216, Related Parts: 200PHYW Banjo | 12 HP Gresen Hydraulic Engine Poly Pump - 2" NPT
Most items are generally shipped with FedEx or UPS.
During checkout, please provide a phone number in case the shipping carrier needs to reach you for your delivery.
Large or Heavy Items:
Large or heavy items are shipped with a freight carrier.
During checkout, please provide a phone number as freight
carriers will contact you for a delivery appointment.
Please allow an additional 3-5 days for freight deliveries.
Delivery Time Frame:
Most items ship in 1 to 3 days. If you need a delivery estimate
for large or heavy items, feel free to contact us here
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